
Septic Tank Cleaning and Repairs

Septic Tank Cleaning

A septic tank is an underground tank used for wastewater treatment, biological decomposition, and drainage. Septic tanks allow safe disposal of wastewater and are widely popular in areas that have poor drainage systems or are off the main sewage network. We clean these tanks so that residents can enjoy a safe, functional system without worrying about buildup or other problems. 

Septic Tank Pumping

Septic tanks allow waste to separate into three layers: solids, effluent, and scum. The solids settle to the bottom where microorganisms decompose them. The scum, composed of waste that’s lighter than water, floats on top. We pump out all the harmful waste so that you tank can operate at peak efficiency! 

Sewer and Septic Drainage

A septic tank is used for wastewater treatment, biological decomposition, and drainage. Septic tanks need to be regularly maintained to remove buildup and ensure the system can properly dispose of waste in a safe way. We fix all kinds of problems when it comes to sewer and septic systems and guarantee that your system will never function better than after our cleaning service. 

Septic System Inspection

During the drainfield test, the inspector will dig holes in the ground surrounding the septic system. If the holes contain standing water, the septic system needs maintenance. A septic system inspection can help you catch a small issue before it becomes a costly problem. Visual inspection involves asking a few questions, such as how old the house is, how often the owner pumps the septic system, and when the last inspection was.

Main Sewer Line Inspection

After pumping, we camera the mainline to make sure there is no grease, roots, or soap buildup in the pipe and check the connections at the foundation. These issues can cause a backup.

Tank Inspection

We check the integrity of all lids to make sure they are not sagging, cracked, or broken. We also look at tank walls, fronts, and rear baffle tees to check for cracks and deterioration.

Drainfield Inspections

We follow the line from the tank and make sure we connect it to the drainfield. We can then see if it clogs the drain field lines. If this happens, we'll apply the necessary repairs.

Septic Pump Maintenance

Every three to five years, professionals should pump and clean septic tanks. Independent Septic and Sewer LLC can perform pumping and maintenance so you need to pump less often. Regular pumping ensures that solids will not flow from the septic tank into the drainfield.

Septic Pump Repairs

Inspect your system once each year. Every three to five years, professionals should pump and clean septic tanks. Regular pumping ensures that solids will not flow from the septic tank into the drainfield. Pump out your septic tank when needed. Don’t wait until you have a problem. Routine pumping can prevent system failures. If you can’t remember when your tank was last pumped, your septic system may be living on borrowed time. Keep a diagram of your system’s location and keep a record of system maintenance for future owners.

Practice water conservation. The less wastewater you produce, the less strain on your system. By reducing your water use, you can extend the life of your drain field and decrease the possibility of system failure. Check with Independent Septic & Sewer LLC technicians for help with system problems.

Hydro Jetting Services

High pressure clears clogs and cleans out grease and soap buildup in mainlines and also opens up the drainfield holes so the water can drain out of the drainfield easier.

Inspections and Clearance Letters

After pumping your tank, we will then inspect it. We do not charge for inspection. We can provide a clearance letter, if needed, to sell your house.

Troubleshooting leaks and clogs

If you are having the sewer back up problems or sewer water coming out of the ground, we will find out why and give you options to repair the problem or replace it at a fair price.

Install New Tanks, Drainfield lines, and Lift Stations

We install new tanks, drain fields, sewage ejector pumps and lift station tanks.

Honest, quality, and affordable services since 2019 in Marietta, GA. Our Septic System Services are second to none.

Install New Tanks, Drainfield Lines, and Lift Stations

  • Drainfield restoration and or replace
  • Drainfield Pumping
  • Drainfield repairs
  • Force Main Repairs


  • Main sewer lines from house to tank installation
  • Manway, septic tank lids, and risers installation
  • Force Main Installation
  • Tailout lines installation
  • New Tank Installation

Other Services

  • Tank locating
  • A camera inspection of sewer lines
  • Tank repair
  • Tailout lines replacements
  • Root removal from the tank
  • Real estate inspections and septic tank clearance letters

Independent Septic and Sewer LLC

Our Septic System Services are second to none. We have the experience and know-how to make sure your septic systems are cleaned and pumped properly so the system can perform at maximum efficiency.